Come to the Universe
Águas de Mikael
The Force to evolve the world

AMK Flux
Enter the course of life with the Águas de Mikael.
Águas de Mikael's process is unique and individual. An impulse that can align you with your purpose, lead to personal fulfillment, and fill your life of Love and Abundance in every way.
Each of us is learning to reunite with all our lives, to experience our Wholeness. Love, which is our true nature, is the agent of all transformation. For abundance is in perceiving, learning, transforming and manifesting Love and our Virtues at all times.
In this process, the Infinite Wisdom present throughout the universe, including within you, begins to manifest by raising the frequencies and expanding your consciousness, promoting thoughts, feelings and attitudes more in line with your essence.
Tuning is living in the flow of Universal Love.
Top 10 Benefits
Accelerates self-awareness and personal development.
Increases your perception of yourself in relation to the world.
Promotes the integration of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Helps the deconstruction process to reaffirm its essence.
It promotes mental openness to see new possibilities.
Amplifies your view of the world and broadens the perception of situations.
Puts you in the flow of the universe.
It boosts your creative power.
Empower abundance at every level of your life.
Excites your life with a purpose.
The 12 Frequencies
The complete cycle of Mikael Waters is composed of 12 (twelve) different vibrational frequencies. For the result to be effective, you must complete the entire process.
Below you can check the frequency scale and better visualize the increasing order of vibrations.

What happens during the process
Here is a brief description of each frequency and the transformations that happens during the process as you access new levels of consciousness.

1 - Truth
The frequency of Truth is the level of experience. The consciousness of the being perceives and feels all its experiences, both in the visible field, the daily manifestations of life; While the invisible, where are the thoughts, the emotions, the dreams, and the intimate conversation. It is the level of consciousness closest to the physical body because it interacts with impulses of the conscious mind.

2 - Path
The frequency of the Path is the level where the Consciousness itself perceives its presence and its action with the Being. At this level of consciousness, the intimate universe recognizes and has a better expression of itself, causing higher intensity in the lived experiences. Here the connection from the unconscious to the conscious, and vice versa, which penetrates the mind, brings more clarity in all events.

3 - Life
At the frequency of Life, Consciousness expresses its own experience. The level at which individual consciousness is manifested and presents the amplified perception of its existence. Here the Being is consciously experiencing each experience and then begins to investigate at the soul level the choices made and designed for its evolutionary process.

4 - Love
The frequency of love is the beginning of a path of union. It is the level of consciousness of unity. Each consciousness begins to interconnect with each other; and to realize the importance, value, and power of sharing. Through love, they share their fields of consciousness, information, their physical bodies. Consciousness acts in the body and mind without resistance.

5 - Light
At this frequency, the Self Light of Being comes out. It is the expression of the inner sun. The level of consciousness that hatches the essential DNA and begins autonomy. It is the moment when it happens that Individual Consciousness has the knowledge and perception that it is a Consciousness, which is also an integral part of a Higher or Cosmic Consciousness. Here the light of the consciousness of Being is lit.

6 - Abundance
In the frequency of Abundance, the Being has the understanding that it is an integral part of something greater. Connected with the Cosmos and interconnected with other cores of Individual Consciousness, it finds and manifests abundance in the grandeur of the system in which everything is embedded. It recognizes that it originates from other levels of consciousness, both planetary and the universe. Maturity and autonomy determine new ways of thinking, feeling, acting and speaking, reconnecting all life in a context of Greater purpose.

7 - Perfection
Everything is perfect as it is. The frequency of Perfection contains the level of Truth consciousness because the Self is true in its consciousness. It is in this vibration that Consciousness recognizes itself and understands the perfection of forms, facts, and connections that it is capable of creating. It becomes self-consciousness and also co-creator of reality, realigning and readjusting each core of individual consciousness to its evolutionary process.

8 - Essence
At this frequency, there is a retreat back to the core of consciousness. At each level, we bring the information of who we are to the origin of Being, where the individual's stoning occurs through impulses coming straight from his essence. It is at this level of consciousness that one's mission is consolidated. Because it reaches the degree of conscientious maturity of being what one is, with the utmost responsibility.

9 - Freedom
The connection of Consciousness in Being is direct, it is a unique expression. Here there is a genuine flow of consciousness in every speech, attitude, and behavior. The visible and the invisible become one. The individual and the collective harmonize in this flow, building a foundation for the next levels.

10 - Peace
Peace, Faith, and Cure are three levels of consciousness in one. When one is ready to enter these levels, life becomes peace, faith, and healing. Respect for all Creation, all form, nature, the planet is developed. From this respect, unconditional love arises, and the awareness of the unity that we are all part of the same All is consolidated.

11- Faith
Faith is the second level of this sequence. Faith is the force of what is.
When one is ready to enter these levels, life becomes peace, faith, and healing. Respect for all Creation, all form, nature, the planet is developed. From this respect, unconditional love arises, and the awareness of the unity that we are all part of the same All is consolidated.

12 - Cure
Healing is the third level of this sequence. It is the certainty of the union of respect and love. When one is ready to enter these levels, life becomes peace, faith and healing. Respect for all Creation, all form, nature, the planet is developed. From this respect unconditional love arises, and the awareness of the unity that we are all part of the same All is consolidated.
How to Drink It
Learn how you should drink the Águas de Mikael.
• Each bottler must be swallowed in a single dose;
•You must stay at each frequency for 21 full days;
• How to count the 21 day interval:
- When you drink the Water of Truth, which is the first frequency, you count as day 01 (one).
- You will drink the Water of the Path (second frequency) on the 22nd day.
• No rituals are required to drink the Águas de Mikael.
Choose a quiet time of your day to start the process of each water. And if you prefer, before or after drinking, stop for a few minutes and read the Invocation that comes with the Kit.
• The complete process lasts 8 months.